Ivanova holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander during the first season and is promoted to the rank of Commander in the second season. From the first through the fourth seasons of the series Commander Ivanova was the first officer (XO) of the Babylon 5 space station.
After the fourth season of the series, she was promoted to Captain and given command of a new class of Earth Alliance warship, the "Warlock-Class". She accepted the promotion because of the tragic events that happened on Babylon 5 at the very end of the Earth Alliance Civil War, in which she played a major role, including the death of Marcus Cole, who sacrificed his own life for hers. During the fifth and final season, she appears only once, in the series' final episode, holding the rank of General – a position for which she showed little enthusiasm. She ultimately ends up as the new leader of the Anla'shok at the insistence of Delenn.